To The Readers

Hello there! First of all thank you very much for visiting my website (which is still under active construction with bunch of scaffolds!).

I just wanted to let you know that my notes for Linear Algebra are not so much for taking a deep dive into this subject, but just to facilitate the reading of my other notes (e.g., Dynamics, Controls etc.).

For people who want to take a deep dive into Linear Algebra, there are great textbooks written by great people. To name just a few that I’ve touched upon ….


Back then when I was an undergraduate student, one of my friends who was sitting on a Linear Algebra course for non-math majors, talked what his instructor told the students at the first day of the lecture, (translated from Korean to English by myself)

Once we finish this Linear Algebra course, I’ll still be OK if you folks forget everything about the course material. But please don’t forget this single sentence — that Linear transformation is a matrix and matrix is a linear transformation.

For people who can read Korean, the original statement was as follows:

여러분, 이것만큼은 꼭 기억해주세요. 선형사상(Linear Transformation)이 곧 행렬(Matrix)이고 행렬(Matrix)이 곧 선형사상(Linear Transformation)입니다.

At that time we failed to fully appreciate the instructor’s statement. But thankfully, now I’m starting to appreciate and feel the significance of it! I’ll also touch upon this as I go through the note.