
Thank you for visiting my website. My name is Moses.

I’m a current Ph.D candidate at MIT Mechanical Engineering Department, working at the MIT Newman Lab. My supervisor is Professor Neville Hogan.

Fascinated by Robotics at my early 20s via the two books written by the renowned mathematician Norbert WienerCybernetics and The Human Use of Human Beings, I promised myself to be a roboticist. One of Wiener’s piercing insight which broadened my perspective is the claim that humans and robots are fundamentally the same as information-processing entities.

I simply love Math and Physics, working hard to be better everyday. I was also a Gold medal recipient of Korean Physics Olympiad (KPhO), high-school session. In case you are interested, check out some of my notes here.

Research Interest

As a robotics researcher, my ultimate research goals are:

  • Establish fundamental understanding of how humans achieve their remarkable dexterity.
  • Apply these understandings to robotic control systems to endow robots with human-level dexterity.

For this, I’ve been focusing on understanding how humans learn to manipulate extremely complex objects — in particular, soft, flexible and deformable objects. Check out my Google Scholar.

Before joining MIT, I had the great opportunity to work at NAVER LABS. I was involved in the Undergraduate Research Project.


With my close colleague, Dr. Johannes Lachner, we made EXPlicit® a robotics software based on the Product-of-EXPonentials Formula. Currently, we have EXPlicit-MATLAB and Explicit–C++, but EXPlicit–py will soon be available.

Curriculum Vitae

Please checkout my most recent Curriculum Vitae (CV).

A brief list is as follows: :

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